Wednesday, May 19, 2010

200words of Haiti

In Haiti, Kids are not treated equal that is why Children rights are suffering right now. The problems in Haiti, are mortality rate, health care, survival, education and exploitation. Only 1 of every 14 kids will survive . Haiti voted Rene Preval their new president in hope of change. Preval enforced the Political Agenda for Children to attain social reform, improve heath, increase their education, decrease aids and protect children from rape, abuse and exploitation. The president also have been trying to prevent the babies from having aids. The babies born in Haiti are born with Aids and the estimated number is 50000 people. Haiti struggles to achieve Millennium development goals in the areas of child survival, immunization and primary education. Clean water and sanitation is a problem because a lot of children have to find water, and then they purify the water that they found. In desperation parents send their kids to be restaveks and are promised a good life, but often are exposed to exploitation, trafficking, rape and abuse. Some orphans in Haiti are forced into street gangs but some find it access to free food and shelter. In gangs, kids are forced into crimes, raped or abused as revenge to the other gangs, or as punishment for refusal of chores.

Monday, May 17, 2010

TOP 10 people

Neil Patrick Harris is one of the top 10 people. Neil announced he was gay but he played a role as a straight person even though he is gay. The people's perception of gay people was changed because Neil changed the perspective of gay people. He made people think that being homosexual is normal and something proud of for gay people.

Bill Clinton is one of my top 10 people. When he was 63, he started helping Haiti with ideas what Haiti could actually be. He asked other people to help him, like George W. Bush and some U.N. people. They started to reconstruct buildings and the Haitians started helping them also to rebuild faster. He also helped in Africa helping extreme poverty and worked for many years kicking off debt cancellation which came out with an additional 42million Africans going to school

Steve Jobs is one of my top 10 people because he created a phone which enables touch screen, Internet and games. This allowed other companies to create the same thing but a different type. His company, Apple, became popular because Bill gates helped create the company with his money. Because he became very popular, he called himself the Beatles of the computing world.

Oprah Winfrey is one of my list because she argued the best and also she could argue with other people from CNN and other news reporter. She became the first black and first 101 list in Entertainment weekly. She was also to tell the Mad Cow disease to the texan but when they tried to sue her, they couldn't because she was proven not guilty of making that theory.

Barrack Obama is a president of the United States and he is the first African-american president. He gave hope to other people about other people about being a president even though they are fat, skinny, etc.

Kim Yu-Na is one of the Korean figure ice skater and she has impressed many people in the Vancouver tournament. She has gotten many gold medals to win many of the Korean people's heart. She has managed to move some of the people away from other channels.

Simon Cowell is the judge from american idol and he influenced many people to enjoy the shows that he was in, such as X- Factor and American Idol. Even though, people fear him because of the bad comments but people still knows that he is humble, generous and compassionate.

James Cameron is a director of many famous movies such as titanic, terminator and also Avatar. Because of the movies that was really popular made other directors not very popular. His recent work was Avatar was a hit because many people watched it and also he created it in 3D.

Han Han is a Chinese race car driver and an author and he made arguments with other people about problems of Chinese educations, including the problems with the strictness and rigidness of Chinese education.

Mark Zuckerburg is the creator of Facebook. Because of this website, he was able to connect millions of people together by using this website. This also changed the way how the people interact within the world