Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I think that if poverty did not exist in the world, it can help less fortunate countries be solved by sharing resources with other people. We have learned that poverty and extreme poverty still exists. The World Bank is an international bank that helps the reconstruction and redevelopment of unfortunate countries. The world bank states that it is important to collect data from countries you can see different effect after their use of money. Also you can compare their development levels after using the money. Poverty is having unstisfied material needs. The difference between extreme poverty and poverty is that extreme poverty is not having material.

3D farmer

Ole Fabricius Toubro, Jakob Elias Nielse, Roman Spycher, Frederik Hermund, Ole Fabricius, Toubro Benjamin Salqvist and Frederik Hermund created designed the game. The purpose of this game is to experience difficult choices that poverty and conflict can cause.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Kenya need hope. Hope had been arrived due to agricultural yield doubling, child mortality dropped 30%, and school attendance. Sachs was able to help by using technology- based and simple machines improving health care, poverty and crop rotation. Easterly argues that he would cause more poverty in Kenya because of Sachs work. He also argues that what they are doing wont work in a larger scale. Easterly thinks that that it isn't the main problem and he believes that governance and corruption is the main problem for Kenya. Sachs thinks he needs more help of other people.